A secondary suite is a self-contained accessory dwelling unit located within a single detached dwelling, which is used as a residence by one or more people. A secondary suite has its own separate cooking, sleeping and bathing facilities and direct access to the outside without passing through any part of the principal residence.
Let's Get Started
The following steps will guide you through the process to apply for your necessary permits. If you plan on renting out your secondary suite, please note a business licence is also required. It is the owner’s responsibility to renew the business licence yearly.
Next Steps: Permits & Licensing
Prior to constructing a secondary suite, a building permit and/or plumbing permit must be issued by the City’s Building department. Building Permit applications must include sufficient information for City staff to evaluate the plans against the BC Building Code requirements for secondary suites. Start by booking your free pre-application meeting so we can evaluate your situation and make recommendations as needed.