Change, Renew or Make a Payment

Do you need to make changes to your business licence account? To update your contact information, please complete our Change of Information form and submit via email to

Change of Information Form

Change of Business Location

Note that some location changes should be reviewed by the City's Planning Department.  Please contact licensing if you have questions about your new location.

Business Licence Renewals

Business licence renewals are processed and invoiced when the licence expiry is approaching. You will receive a statement in the mail or through e-billing giving you the option to make a payment or cancel if it's no longer required.

How to Pay

Ways to renew business licences 

Due to the Canada Post strike, delivery of December and January business licence renewal invoices have been delayed but each business is responsible for renewing their licence before expiration.

Please avoid late fees by following the due dates below:

The customer service team is available to assist you by email at or calling 250-490-2488, or in-person at City Hall Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  In order to speed up response times, please reference your business licence account number (or licence number) when inquiring by email or leaving a phone message.  Thank you! 


Here are four ways you can pay your business licence:

  • In person (cash, debit, credit card, cheque or money order) 
  • By mail (cheque or money order with renewal notice enclosed)    
  • After hours drop box (cheque or money order with renewal notice enclosed)
  • Online using Online Payments (also called MyPayments).

Licence Fees

Business licence fees vary. Please contact our licensing clerk to find out which fees apply to you.

Apply for a New Licence

If you need to apply for a new business licence, visit our Apply for a Business Licence page.

Have Questions?