Emergencies can happen at any time without warning. By planning ahead, you’ll be in a stronger position to act swiftly, minimizing disruption and loss of income.
Experts have weighed in on key issues affecting Penticton and the Okanagan. Read their tips below and use this guide to help your business prepare for the unexpected.
Is Your Business Prepared?
Do you know what you would do if your business faced a fire, flood, theft or cyber attack? Or how would you react if the power went out for two days? What would happen if a key staff member became suddenly ill or quit on short notice, leaving with essential passwords and building codes?
Prepare Your Business Continuity Plan
With a few simple steps, you can prepare your business to continue operations and recover faster following a disaster. Your Business Continuity Plan outlines how you would react to any situation, minimizing operational disruption and laying out procedures so that you can recover quickly.
Business Preparedness Checklist
This checklist offers some useful tips to get started on building your preparedness plan. Start here to gain an overview of the steps that will be required to position your business to survive any crisis.
How to Reduce Property Crime
Criminals look at businesses with a different eye than we do. By understanding what they’re looking for, we can help prevent thefts and other criminal behaviour.
Fire Safety & Prevention
A fire can be catastrophic for any business. For many, they will never recover, says Fire Chief Larry Watkinson of the Penticton Fire Department. By taking safety measures and doing some pre-planning, your odds of recovery will be greatly improved.
Ransomware and Cyber Security
Every 40 seconds worldwide, a business is hit by ransomware, typically locking the computer or encrypting data unless you pay a ransom. But even after you pay up, one in five small businesses never get their data back, according to the Cisco study.
How to Communicate Effectively during a Crisis
When a crisis hits, there isn’t time to plan. Responding swiftly will determine whether your business weathers the storm or is derailed by interruption and brand damage. By preparing a robust preparedness plan, you can remain in control in a crisis and protect your company’s reputation.