Thank you to everyone for your contributions in shaping the future of Penticton. The Official Community Plan (OCP) is now approved and will be used to shape the future of the city through to 2045.
About the Official Community Plan
An OCP provides the long-term vision for a community by stating the objectives and policies that guide decisions on planning and land use management. Local governments are encouraged to consider how their OCP can be integrated with other community strategies, including transportation plans, sustainability plans, waste management plans and economic development plans.
Penticton’s 2045 OCP
Penticton’s current OCP was formalized in 2019 following an extensive review process that involved thousands of conversations with residents like you. We would like to thank the Official Community Plan Task Force and the community for their participation, input and feedback.
To view a copy of Official Community Plan Bylaw 2019-08, please visit our Bylaw page.
To look back on the process that leads to the current OCP’s creation, see the related documents on the Shape Your City page.