Are you planning to operate a business out of a home located within a residential area? If so, this is the type of business license you need. This page provides you information to help you get started. Please note, businesses that require many employees, large amounts of space, or generate increased traffic are generally not suitable to operate from your home. This page provides information to help you get started.
First Important Step
Before deciding whether to operate a home-based business, ensure you have conducted a business name search, registered your company name and confirmed with the City whether your business location is suitable. Guidelines are set to ensure the livability of the neighbourhood. Please contact us if you have any questions prior to obtaining licenses or permits.
Types of Home-Based Businesses
Most home-based businesses are permitted in Penticton. However, a licence is required to ensure operations are suited to the neighbourhood and to ensure the community's livability. Your home-based business will fall under one of the following three types.