Council green-lights creation of North Gateway Redevelopment and Investment Strategy

News Release

During its regular meeting held October 5, 2021, Penticton City Council supported a recommendation to proceed forward with the creation of a redevelopment strategy for a key area in the northwest corner of the City bordered by Westminster Ave, Power St. and Hwy 97.  

Known as the ‘North Gateway’, this underutilized area holds significant potential as a re envisioned north entrance to Penticton featuring attractive neighbourhoods and supporting a variety of residential densities, tourist accommodation and commercial activity, while building on the existing economic opportunity and entertainment hubs at the South Okanagan Events Centre and Penticton Trade and Convention Centre.

“Neighbourhood redevelopments on this scale are successful when paired with a multi-step process carried out over several years and supported by ongoing engagement and partnership with the community, businesses and developers,” said the City’s General Manager of Community Services, Anthony Haddad.  “Byway of the direction given by Council today, staff can begin the process of consolidating all of the feedback gathered during this year’s initial engagement process, along with further ideas brought forward during our recent design charrette, and begin shaping a strategic development strategy that considers the future fit, finish and function of this area as well is its contribution towards Penticton’s economy as an up and coming investment centre.” 

While the vision for the North Gateway area is in early stages of planning, and while no decisions have been made to date, including what changes might need to occur to existing roadways, lands and buildings, a vision of what’s possible was recently considered and includes:

  • creating three districts within the area,
  • creating three entranceways into the area, and
  • creating a new festival boulevard to span the whole area.

Also under consideration are ways to establish a complete sustainable destination that captures and celebrates Penticton’s small city successes, as well as guiding principles to help form an overall strategy that supports uses that will include a wide range of affordable housing choices.

“Making a strategy for this section of Penticton holds great potential and promise for future residents, businesses and Councils,” said Penticton Mayor, John Vassilaki.  “And while it’s never too soon to start planning, through this process care will be taken to ensure that, by improving one area, we improve all areas by considering the City as a whole.  Council looks forward to seeing a development and investment strategy created for the Northgate area and I encourage all residents and business to get involved when calls for community participation are communicated.”


Anthony Haddad
General Manager of Community Services
City of Penticton

Philip Cooper
Communication Manager
City of Penticton