Council Open House on Oct. 26, coincides with budget engagement

News Release

Council invites residents to drop in at their next open house on October 26, 2023. 

“We had great conversations at the first open house earlier this year and look forward to another evening of important discussions about the future of Penticton,” said Mayor Julius Bloomfield. “This is a casual opportunity for people new to local government to meet their elected officials, and for all interested residents to learn about Council’s priorities and the plans for the coming year.”

The open house will be held between 4 pm and 7 pm at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre and will include opportunities to sit down and speak with individual members of Council. It will also feature displays about the City’s progress on Council’s priorities to create a community that is Safe & Resilient, Livable & Accessible, and Vibrant & Connected while also delivering Organizational Excellence. This event is family-friendly with games and activities for the kids so parents can participate. Representatives from City departments as well as the RCMP will also be on hand to talk about the City’s focus on housing and safety and other important topics including the 2024 budget. 

Get involved in the 2024-2028 Financial Plan

The open house is also part of the engagement program for the 2024-2028 Financial Plan that will get underway this month. Residents interested in next year’s budget are asked to note the following key dates:

  • Learn about the key components of the 2024 budget as part of an introductory presentation to Council at their meeting on October 17.
  • Read the details of the draft 2024-2028 Financial Plan and 2024 Budget on or at City Hall when they are released for review on October 23.
  • Submit your questions about the budget on or by emailing between October 23 and November 2 and hear the answers on the City’s PenTALKton podcast.
  • Drop by the Council Open House on October 26 at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre between 4 pm and 7 pm to meet with Council, discuss the budget and share your thoughts with staff.
  • Once you have reviewed the materials and asked your questions, complete a form to share your feedback about the budget between October 23 and November 12. 
  • Hear a report on the budget feedback and watch Council Budget Deliberations between November 21 and 23.

All information about the budget and opportunities to get involved and share feedback will be published at

(250) 490-2339