Pilot project allowing consumption of alcohol in designated public spaces starts today

News Release

At their meeting on June 2, Penticton’s City Council approved a one-month pilot project to allow the responsible consumption of alcohol in designated public spaces.

Beginning June 3, adults of legal age are allowed to consume alcohol between the hours of 12 pm and 8 pm at Marina Way Park, Okanagan Beach (east of Power St.), Okanagan Lake Park and Rotary Park. The pilot project will run through to July 4 and the City plans to review the findings with Council at their meeting on July 7. All laws and bylaws continue to apply. Citizens must be 19 years or older to purchase and consume alcohol in BC. Public intoxication is not permitted and will be prosecuted. Littering of glass, bottles or cans will result in a fine.

“There are many examples of this working successfully around the world,” says Deputy Mayor Judy Sentes who presided over this item at the meeting. “Through this pilot, we will see if it can occur responsibly here and if people will treat this privilege with maturity.”

As part of the pilot project, the City will also be formally gathering feedback from the community. Starting June 10, citizens can complete a feedback form on shapeyourcitypenticton.ca. Paper copies will also be available at the entrance to City Hall and will be accepted in the drop box. Citizens who have questions or would like to speak to staff are invited to contact JoAnne Kleb at 250-490-2586 or email getconnected@penticton.ca. Feedback will be collected through to June 24th and the results will be presented to Council at their meeting on July 7.

“We are waiting to formally gather feedback from the community until after the pilot project has gotten underway,” says the City’s Engagement Strategist, JoAnne Kleb. “Our hope is that people will take the time to visit a few of the locations during the pilot project before they form their opinion about the changes.” Information about the pilot project can be found at shapeyourcitypenticton.ca.


Blake Laven
Director of Development Services
City of Penticton

​​​​​​​JoAnne Kleb
Engagement Strategist
City of Penticton