Designated responsible consumption in public places is back for the summer of 2022, allowing outdoor consumption of liquor in areas along Okanagan Beach and in Okanagan Lake Park and Skaha Park. The bylaw will run May 1 through October 31, 2022 from 12:00pm to 8:00pm with installed signage in all locations indicating where responsible consumption can occur.
Similar to the kick-off year in 2020 and follow-up year in 2021, Penticton City Council has requested staff prepare a final report this fall providing a summary of observations collected over the summer. Unlike the summers of 2020 and 2021, both of which were impacted by COVID-19 event cancellations and reduced gathering capacities, the summer of 2022 will see the bylaw run parallel to a full season of events and festivals. This new perspective will assist Council in determining if the bylaw should be made permanent going forward.
“Over the last two years, feedback to the city has consistently indicated strong support for the bylaw overall and the information collected from staff and RCMP showed no notable pattern of irresponsible behavior,” said the City’s Director of Development Services, Blake Laven.
A map of the approved locations as well as more information about the bylaw can be found at