Did you know the average commute time in Penticton is 14.8 minutes?
According to the most recent Census Canada data (2021), the number of people who use cars, trucks or vans to get to work in this community dropped by 2.5 per cent since the previous survey in 2016.
The number of people who walk to work increased by two per cent in the latest statistics and public transit increased by 1 per cent.
The City’s Transportation Master Plan, which was approved in 2021, prioritizes the design, investment and renewal of transportation infrastructure according to these key areas, in this order.
- Walking, wheelchairs and mobility scooters: Ensuring residents have the opportunity to walk to parks, schools, shops and other destinations in safety and comfort.
- Biking: Developing a connected network of safe and convenient cycling infrastructure.
- Transit: Supporting public transit as an affordable, safe and convenient means of local and regional transportation.
- Goods movement: Supporting the continued growth of industrial and commercial businesses by ensuring the safe and efficient movement of goods and provision of services.
- Driving: Ensuring driving is safe for both drivers and other users of the road.
Visit our Transportation Master Plan webpage