Power Outage Updates
Sept. 23 at 5:40 p.m.: Power has been restored to all affected properties, following an earlier FortisBC outage.
Map of Major Outages
Is your power out? Unplanned power outages can occur due to weather, accidents or natural disasters. Planned power outages are scheduled events and occur for emergency repairs, system upgrades and maintenance. The following map provides the current status on major unplanned or planned power outages in Penticton.
Report a Power Outage and Stay Informed
Before reporting a power outage, check if the power failure is limited to your home or business. If your neighbour's power is still on, check your property’s circuit breaker panel or fuse box.
Avoid surprises and stay safe
To prepare for an electrical outage, consider the following tips. For more information about preparedness plans and emergency kits, visit getprepared.ca and the BC Provincial Emergency Program website.