Focus on Housing

City Council identified the provision of attainable and accessible housing across the entire housing spectrum as a priority this term. This includes proactively planning for deliberate growth while focusing on an inclusive, healthy, safe and desirable place to live. Use this page as a central resource for information on the work focused on delivering this priority. 

Areas of Focus

  • Support the provision of attainable and accessible housing across the entire housing spectrum, considering opportunities to leverage City owned assets
  • Growth includes ensuring supports and services for Penticton's vulnerable populations, including youth, seniors and unhoused residents
  • Committed to minimizing environmental impacts of new development and adapting to climate change in our community

Involving the Community

With big changes mandated by the Province, and recommendations from Council’s OCP Housing Task Force, Penticton’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw are being updated – this is your opportunity to help shape how Penticton grows going forward. 10 events were held in various neighbourhoods throughout March and April, which started with a staff presentation customized for each area and attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and share feedback.

Results from the engagement period are now available for your review at