City Council establishes and appoints Advisory Committees to consider or make recommendations on matters referred by Council or set out in the committee's terms of reference.
Committees provide valuable feedback, advice and guidance on important issues to be decided upon by City Council. They consider key issues, report their findings and opinions, and make recommendations to Council.
The Committee does not participate in operational matters involving the City of Penticton. Also, the Committee does not have the authority to take action or incur expenses without Council’s approval. Council provides approval by way of a resolution passed at a Council meeting.
As a volunteer Committee member, you will be responsible to meet with the group on a regular basis (typically monthly or quarterly) and participate in discussions involving matters that require community perspective and directive.
You will provide a “voice” for the general community by offering your opinion and directive in a recommendation to City Council.
Advisory Committees are comprised of members of the public, preferably those who have direct knowledge or interest and/or experience in the subject matter. Each Committee has its own specific guidelines for who can apply. Please read the Terms of Reference for each Committee to identify these requirements.
Committee members must commit to meeting on a regular basis as arranged in advanced by the group and Penticton’s legislative assistant. The frequency depends on the group and topic, typically being monthly or quarterly. Any member who misses three consecutive meetings will be removed from the group. Each meeting can range from 1-2 hours in length.
First of all, thank you for considering this important role. This is an opportunity to make a positive impact within your community – and the City greatly values the opinions gathered from each group. Please note this is a volunteer position and members must participate in regular meetings.
Each Committee has a limited number of member positions and members are appointed by City Council.
If you’re interested in serving as a volunteer, please visit the Join a Council Committee page.
This number varies depends varying on the subject matter, generally around nine. The Committee members will appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair. Council will also appoint one Council representative to attend the meetings.
All committee members are expected to review and sign a Conflict of Interest Declaration and adhere to the requirements set out in the declaration.
If a Committee member attending a meeting considers that he or she is not entitled to participate in the discussion of a matter or to vote on a question in respect of a matter because the member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the matter, or for any other reason, the member must declare this and state the general nature of why he or she considers this to be the case and immediately leave the meeting or the part of the meeting during which the matter is under consideration.
The member’s declaration must be recorded in the minutes, and the committee member must not attempt in any way, whether before, during or after the meeting to influence the voting on any question in respect to the matter.
If you have questions or would like further information about joining a Committee, please email committees@penticton.ca or phone the legislative assistant at 250-490-2473.