In Penticton, you’ll find opportunities across industries as diverse as construction, winemaking, custom manufacturing, precision agriculture, tech and tourism. Significant recent upgrades to the Penticton Regional Hospital is attracting educated health care workers to the city (search the Interior Health careers webpage). Other jobs in high demand include the education sector, trades, professional services, retail, manufacturing and viticulture.
Local employers Interior Health and Okanagan College are breaking new ground using state-of-the-art technologies. Industrial manufacturers like Structurlam and Slimline are shipping custom products around the world. Other major employers include the Government of Canada, FortisBC, the School District 67 and the City of Penticton.
Our growing wine and tourism industries are recruiting people with a broad range of technical and customer service skills. Interested in working for the City of Penticton, visit our Career Opportunities page to see what's available.
Where to Look
Try the virtual job boards such as, set up job alerts on your account, and check out the classified job listings on Accelerate Okanagan is a main destination for many technology and technology-related postings. You'll also find jobs posted on local Facebook groups, including the "Hiring Penticton" group. If you are looking for work in a specific sector, consider reaching out to any associations or groups connected with that industry.
You can also register with the local WorkBC Employment Services Centre, which provides information, services, programs and support during your job search.