Welcome Home

Welcome to Penticton! We'd like to offer you a free 'Welcome Home' pack to help you get settled into your new community. 

About the Welcome Packs

Did you move to Penticton after July 1, 2022?  We're keen to learn a little bit about what brought you here and how you have settled. Take a moment to fill out the short questionnaire below and we’ll be in touch soon!  

You Asked! We Answered

You're new to Penticton and likely have lots of questions. Here are a few below that we have answered, to help set you on the right path to settling in. 

Useful Info to Get Started

Receive Your Free 'Welcome Home' Pack

Welcome to Penticton! As a new resident, we would like to offer you a free ‘Welcome Home’ package to help you get settled. This includes information about local services and organizations plus some free passes for local amenities. We invite you to fill out this form so we can tailor your package, address your questions and gain a better understanding of our new residents. After registration, we will contact you to arrange a time to pick up your pack. Thank you!

Fill Out this Form to Get Started
When did you move to Penticton?
Please note the Welcome Home package is designed for newly arrived residents who have arrived during this time period. Thank you!
Why Penticton? Did you see any of the following marketing materials before moving here? Select all that apply.
Where did you most recently move from? If it was within Canada, click the box below. If outside of Canada, see the next question.
What kind of housing do you live in now?
Do you rent or own?
Why did you move to Penticton? (select all that apply)
What do you do for work?
Do you have family already living in Penticton or the surrounding area?
Questions 1 2 3 4 5

Your Contact Information

(So we can get your Welcome Pack to you!)
The City of Penticton respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. Your personal information will be collected and only used for the purpose of applying for the Welcome Home pack pursuant to Section 26(c) of The Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection, access, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact Angie Collison, Corporate Officer/Head of FOIPPA at foi@penticton.ca or 250-490-2410