Statement on Rick Knodel


Statement from Mayor Julius Bloomfield and Councillor Campbell Watt, vice-chair of the RDOS

“It was with great sadness we heard of the loss of Rick Knodel, the Electoral Area "C" representative on the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen.

“Rick was the epitome of public service, who put the interests of his community first and was a forceful advocate for those he represented. He brought a lifetime of experience and contributions to his role, using that wisdom to find solutions where others might find an obstacle. He served his community in a myriad of ways, donating his time and energy to improving his region.

“And he did all of it in way that was uniquely Rick, forthright and welcoming with a dash of wit that cut through the chatter. His legacy will be one of a stronger community and we thank his family for sharing him with us.”